Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Eight Immortals! HEADS!

Yep, I drew head shots for each of the Immortals, with the intent of creating a corner box that would have each member who had a story in the book, deleting or adding a head as each story played out. I always liked that on Marvel's 70's Avengers and X-Men books.

Tomorrow the book proper begins. I'm debating changing up the order of the stories and leading with Iron Crutch's story first, telling each story in full and then jumping to the Sage, then the General ending with the story that focuses on Emperor Chin, but I'm not sure. The original book had 4 main stories that overlapped and broke to focus on a different character, but I don't think it was for any real purpose other than pacing out a fast story. I wonder if it might read better if I do the stories without the overlap? Any thoughts out there?


At 7:29 AM , Blogger Isaac said...

If you're going to serialize them one or two pages at a time, I think it makes sense to finish one story before starting another. Having several going on at once is great in a comic book but would probably be harder to follow just one page at a time.


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